Obama recently intursted General Petraeus with the relay power to inform Obama of how things were being conducted in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama is intending to use information Petraeus provides to him when his time comes in December to address the nation on the progress being done in the Middle East. There is currently a secure video link between the presidential office and Petraeus' location in Iraq.
Petraeus states that American control over Iraq has expanded farther outside Kandahar, known as the Taliban Heartland.
Petraeus says the military force is still facing many problems as they move farther into the small villages sparsely located throughout the Afghanistan mountains.
Resistance is believed to be primarily coming from Al-Qaida extremists. Recently U.S. troops have implemented the use of un-manned drones which has continually proved to be a valuable asset to the military. Many high-ranking Al-Qaida officials have been killed using these drones where in most cases sending in U.S. troops to kill these top officials would be costly.
So, as the advances continue deeper into the extremists territory, Obama will have to rely heavily on Petraeus for a continual update on American progress.
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