Sunday, November 21, 2010

Marines will comply with 'don't ask, don' tell'

Marines will comply with new repeal of 'Don't ask don't tell'

A recently released statement from the head of the Marines and other armed forces divisions stated that the U.S. Marine Corps will "fully cooperate with the new repeal." This repeal comes after it was recently sent through the Circuit Courts and was then over-turned by the Supreme Court. Now all gays and lesbians who "came out" in that time frame when it was said that they wouldn't be barred from the military if they admitted they were gay will not be penalized for doing so now that the policy is back in place.

Mullen stated that in no way will any of the gays or lesbians who openly admitted to being so will be punished. Although it was recommended that if any other gay or lesbians were serving in the military and were gay or lesbians should remain silent about their sexuality until the law moves forward into a more mature stage when the Supreme Court will make determinations about the law again.

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